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the park
We love our region
We love our town

Love is the key to

everything we do!


Sunday's Service

Sunday Family Service at 9:15am

111 Petrie Street, Tenterfield


We are a vibrant church family that enjoy praising God and learning from His Word, the Bible. We are down-to-earth Aussies, and have great fellowship together. Feel free to join us Sundays, the roof won't cave in!! 


Due to Covid-19 Restrictions, only 30 people can attend at a time.  Anyone who has flu symptoms or is feeling unwell should stay home until better.

Studying God's Word

Thursdays at 11am

111 Petrie Street, Tenterfield


An opportunity to learn, grow and discuss God's word together. Sharing life, good food and tea/coffee!​ 

For the next 6 weeks we are running the ALPHA COURSE BY DVD. See flyer on this website.  It is a great course.


Social distancing is exercised due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.  Masks are available if required.


Men & Women

Men's Groups

Men join together from time to time to help each other and church members with practical skills and hobbies  such as plumbing, welding, woodwork, mechanical help or just spending time together.  

For more info contact Garry, 0411 389 200


Women's Groups

Fortnightly Friday at 11am

For more info contact Karen, 04​32 675 628


111 Petrie Street, Tenterfield


Our mission is to change the world by bringing one heart, one soul and one family at a time to the saving knowledge of Christ.


Our church community is made up of a diverse group of people  who have moved to Tenterfield from several locations in Australia.  They have a strong bond and love and support each other.


Together, we have many practical skills, such as carpentry, woodwork, metal work, farming, fencing, administration, mechanical, painting, art, cooking, needlework, gardening, musical and other creative talents.


These skills & abilities enable us to help one another and members of our community in times of need.



We believe God is the Creator and sustainer of all things.  God is our loving Heavenly Father who destined each one of us to have an intimate personal relationship with Him. 


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who gave His life as a ransom sacrifice to reconcile each one of us to God due to the ravages of personal sin that created a barrier between us and God. 


We believe the Holy Spirit is a person who comes to dwell inside each believer and empowers them to live a victorious life.


We believe that at death, our soul and spirit returns to God and at God's appointed time, the bodies of all those who believed in Christ will be resurrected  imperishable to live forever with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a new heaven and new earth.  

John 14:6 NIV Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
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